Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Tee Pee Nazi

After fleeing Quartzsite and sightseeing our way west Tuesday of last week we ended up in Rialto, California to spend a couple of nights at the Route 66 landmark Wigwam Motel constructed in 1949 as Wigwam Village #7.  A total of seven Wigwam Villages were built across the country and only three survive today.  Roadside vernacular architecture at its finest.  Of course these motels are the basis for “The Cozy Cone Motel” in Pixar’s 2006 film “Cars”. 

The Wigwam Motel in Rialto
An A-1 roadside attraction
This one is absolutely immaculate and a testament to the care of its owner Kumar Patel the self-proclaimed “Tee Pee Nazi”.  I don’t think Kumar knew quite what to make of me when I showed up in my vintage motorhome with two Jack Russell Terriers as crew.  Over the next two days we had several conversations and I ended up behind the front desk with Kumar telling everyone he had just hired me.  I got quite a kick out of that.  While there are those of us that appreciate the history of the motel, many are either ignorant or don’t care and just want a cheap room.  No doubt this is where Kumar gets his “No Tee Pee for you!” alter ego.

My Tee Pee #17
If you ever get a chance stay here for a night or two and tell Kumar that Josh sent you!

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